Tuesday, 6 September 2016

This is How I Changed My Kitchen, In Case You're Wondering

Very recently, I moved house. Not just any old house, My Own House.
That's right my legion of readers, we bought a zoo! I mean a house.

And so Steve and myself are in the process of doing it up to our liking.

Before we moved in we painted all the walls white, because they were the colour of your nightmares. The upstairs landing, for example, had two deep red walls, one a dirty yellow, and the fourth was a grey/green. This was teamed with a musty red carpet. Ace.

Once we had a relatively blank canvas, we began adding personality. The personality that existed in the house before was that of an old, confused man, who smokes weed a lot and is angry and has possibly been wearing those socks all month.
Now it's a blissed out hippie who has reached enlightenment and is just chilling out, floating there.

The kitchen was the first room I did.

So here it is, before we got our mitts on it.

Let's have a little look at this combination, shall we?
We have
- grey and terracotta floor tiles.
- greasy (unfortunately yes, that is true) wood-effect vinyl-covered kitchen cabinets
- a black vinyl worktop with more than a few burn marks
- dark, mottled red splashback

Overall, a match made in hell. Everything seems to blend into each other, with sudden punctuations of "where the fuck did that colour come from?". Improbable, but true.

My first thought was that I was going to have to paint those cabinets. Replacing the kitchen was not a reality I was able to enter, and anyway, an upcycling challenge was just the job for my summer holidays.

At first, I was being persuaded on all sides not to paint the cabinets. They were "Shaker Style", I was assured by the estate agent, and he may have also used the word "wood". Lies. When I got a chance to have a proper, close-up look at it, I found peeling vinyl, with marks,bubbles and general mess. It had to go.

Having never done a DIY job to this scale, I was nervous at every step. Mostly because at each step I had to convince everyone around me that my ideas were solid (fiance, mom, father-in-law etc...) So in the back of my mind I was thinking "Jeeze, these ideas better be solid"

Anyway, I  started peeling.
Now, this might be an overreaction, but I don't think it is. If you are going to peel all the vinyl off anything,wear one of those goddamn welding masks. Seriously. I wear glasses, so at least my eyes were somewhat protected, but that vinyl went flicking out and flying all over the room like nobody's business. It flew off in little sharp shards, and fast. It was not a fun job. Plus it kept getting caught under my nails and uuuggghhhhh.

So now I had bare MDF/chipboard/ I dunno (I hope you didn't come here for specifics,or someone who knows what she's talking about) and was ready to get painting.

I also removed all the handles and cleaned them up. More on that later
Naturally,I hit Pinterest for some inspiration.Here's what I came up with....

I loved the idea of open-shelving like this,
 but I had to admit that practicality took over
 (for me! Crazy, huh?)
 and I knew that it wouldn't provide enough storage
 in our tiny kitchen 
without looking cluttered. 

 This one gave me hope for our floor.
I knew I wasn't going to be able to replace the tiles
for a long time, cos money.
Now I know that these tiles are significantly nicer (look at those beautiful pentagon shapes...) 
but they were the same sort of colour,
and I had thought straight up "No" to terracotta and
all its associates. But actually, this was quite nice.

 And then we began to get somewhere. I loved the 
sophistication of a navy kitchen.
So grown-up, so swish, and still...Blue.
It was a fun colour in an adult way.
(also, how gorgeous is the wooden countertop? Unfortunately
I had to keep my black, cracked one. But someday!)

Everyone thought it was a very silly thing to do- paint our narrow, dark kitchen navy blue.
We have one big bay window on the other wall, under which our table and chairs would sit, but there was no window in the cooking area.
Worse, there was one light fixture in the middle of the long room, illuminating one pool of terracotta tiles, and providing neither the kitchen nor dining space with any discernible lighting.

But I knew this was the way to go,this was the right colour for our kitchen.
We had painted every room in the house white, I knew I didn't want white kitchen cabinets too. And shades of grey were nice, and one of my favourite colour schemes in modern interiors, but I wasn't feeling it in the kitchen. 
This kitchen needed a bit of joy.

The problem was the dark red splashback.
Again, here was something I couldn't afford to replace, and so would have to improvise with.

I knew that if I painted the cabinets navy while the red tiles were still staring back at me, it would make me hate all of it, and people would be like "See? You're crazy."

So. I decided to paint the tiles. 
My plan was to go white (I internally screamed at the thought of the million coats it would need) and then paint the grout dark grey. The tiles are square, and I wanted to outline every second one so that it made them look rectangular. Ha! Subway tiles at a budget of about 10 quid.

The process for the tiles was easy peasy, it turned out!

- Clean. Scrub them tiles down good.
- Use masking tape to cover your countertop and around your sockets etc
- Prime. As much as I tried to get away from this step (primer is expensive, and priming is boring), there's no escaping it. In the end, I did TWO coats of primer. I used Bin Tile Primer. It went on so well (I just used a small, spongy roller) and had such a great effect, I thought two coats might help it last longer. Time will tell!
- Top coat! I only had to do one coat of my final paint, which was brilliant. I used paint for interior wood and metal, in brilliant white with a satin finish.

And that's it! The tiles came out shiny white, and they have remained so for one month. I assume that they will last forever, cos that would be just great.
I held off doing the grout because I liked the simple look of the plain white so much, but maybe in the future I will! Let me know if you decide to!

Now I was ready to do the cabinets.

- As they were MDF or whatever, there was no need to sand them down first. Win!
- But still, they had to be primed. More Bin primer for me (that stuff is expensive, but real good). These guys only needed one coat of that

It went on real nice!
(as you can see here, my timeline is all over the place. The tiles have one coat of primer and half the vinyl isn't even peeled. I'm organising here in a step-by-step for clarity, not because I can do things in a step-by-step manner)

Once that was all done I started having reservations about the blue. I knew it would be awesome, but suddenly the white looked so clean and fresh. So I hummed and hawed about it and then shouted "FUCK IT" (which was surprising for my fiance cos it was 3am) and the next day I went to the hardware shop to pick the colour.

The colour I chose was from Dulux and it was called Sapphire Springs 1. Now, if you look that up, you will find a rich, dark grey-blue which gave the man in the hardware shop a heart attack when I told him it was to be the colour for my kitchen.

In reality, it is very much a little-boys-room-blue (my turn to have a heart attack)

After spending so long convincing myself to go for a dark, sophisticated navy, here I was, painting my kitchen as if it were in a playhouse.

I decided to do all the bottom cabinets first, to see how they looked. It took me a while to be convinced, but after 3 coats, I was starting to feel it.

It was definitely not the navy of my dreams, but it was pretty close. 
And then I started to realise what everyone meant by the claustrophobic effects it might have. 
SO! I decided to finish the top cabinets in white. They were already primed, now it was just a matter of giving them one white topcoat. My thinking was I could always go back over them with the blue if I so decided.

But once it was all done, and the doors screwed back on, it looked great!! So bright, so fresh, so far away from the stank it once was.

Before putting the handles back on, I decided to paint them gold because GOLD.
Another easy, but time-consuming job.

-First, prime them with the same primer that the tiles got, and leave to dry. I used a brush cos a roller would have been stupid.

- Next, take them outside on a sunny day and spray them GOLD BABY. I used this guy, which is very good.
-Keep on spraying. I did about three coats, because I kept finding bits I'd missed.

They weren't perfectly smooth (because of the many coats or their awkward shape, I don't know) but I love them.
They totally finished the kitchen for me.

Aw man, I love it so much!!!
We got all our retro looking appliances in Aldi and Lidl, and our excellent bread basket in Dunnes Stores. Ignore all the crap on the countertop there, we still don't have a lot of furniture and places to store things...

And, can you see? My father-in-law, who is an electrician, fit some recessed lighting in the roof, to light up the actual kitchen! And there's some more LED lighting strips going under the top cabinets cos we fancy.

Even the weird floors don't look so bad now that they're not blending into everything else.

Yes, the cooker is peeking out. That's because there's a gas pipe keeping it from being flush with the wall. Another problem for another day.
Oh yeah, and did I mention that one cabinet had no DOOR? Yeah, the previous owners pissed me off on more than one occasion.

As for the other side of the room.... Well, that was also the pits.

But isn't it a great space?
An oval table obviously does nothing with the lovely bay window, and those table and chairs are acting suspiciously blendy....
But the blinds are pretty good, as they're quite pretty and give a lot of privacy when you ain't got a front garden.

So when we got our hands on it, we transformed it the best we could!

Okay, not the best picture, apologies. (my herbs were dying, but I've since brought them back to life and added to the collection! And my notebooks and pencil cases are everywhere because I'm working on a wee wedding project too...)
But look how much prettier! Our small round table (the old kitchen table from myparents' house which they gifted us!) tucks in nicely to the space while still being big enough to seat a small family.
We bought our knock-off Eames style chairs at Homestore & More, when they were on sale.
The plan is to eventually build in a pretty window seat, to give way more seating (and hopefully storage), but for now, those two wooden chairs will do (we pulled them from a skip a while back and cleaned them up. I told you- no money. Also, who dumps fine chairs like that?)
And maybe my favourite part, my father-in-law installed a new light fitting right over the table, and popped up this beautiful light from Ikea.

And that's my kitchen! It's very much a work in progress, but sure that's half the craic.
Let me know what you think/ would change/ have done similarly, and I'll keep you updated too!

Monday, 23 May 2016

In Defence of Hometowns (and living there)

I live in the town I grew up in.
That could be rewritten as "I still live in the town I grew up in"
Or it could be written as "I still live in the town I grew up in, but I'm moving in a couple of months, hopefully to Dublin or maybe London if I find a good job"

But I'm not writing it like that, because I don't want to make excuses for a choice I've made. I'm living here because I want to. I like it here.

Scenes from my hometown (and tbh my general state of mind)

I know that there are more exciting places. I also know that these places aren't near my great family, aren't a stone's throw from the beach, aren't near my job or my friends. Living where I live means I can look out my window and see wild cats and families of ducks. It means putting up with truly lame excuses for festivals as entertainment (hey, they're trying, I guess). It means less exposure to constant culture, but it also means appreciating what you have, and getting excited to travel for shows.

Right now, I'm dealing with and working through some shit about traveling. In that, it freaks me right out, and I get minor panic attacks (bigger the further I travel).
So I didn't write about this or even voice my opinion about it to my friends for a long time, because I haven't been sure if I was just making excuses for myself.

But now I'm sure that I'm not. I have absolutely no desire to move to a city. Even though I love gigs and galleries and shops and good cafes, I'm 25 and essentially free to do whatever. Cities just aren't my thing (and I'm happy to say this opinion is shared by the person with whom I want to share everything with!)
A lot of my friends have moved to big cities, abroad or at home, and are loving it. I'm very happy for them, and I can do that without wanting it for myself. Welcome to adulthood, bitches!

So, what I am saying is this- be where you are right now and don't feel bad about it.
If that's living at home with your family, in a digs with your student friends, living alone, living with friends, living in the city, living in the middle of nowhere.

The important thing is to live in the now. So when I think of moving to the city for a little bit, while I'm young, I realise that that would not make me happy on a day to day basis. So then I think about something else, like where my next cake is coming from.

Some things deserve more thought than other things.
If you want to stay in your hometown, do it and don't worry about what others will think. Don't wring it over and over in your head. Be where you are happy, where you are free and where you are just a little (just a teeny tiny bit) out of your comfort zone.

My mutt, Toby, staying a little too firmly in his comfort zone

That's my advice anyway.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

A Pep Talk, For When You Need One

A Pep-Talk, for when you need one (because everyone does, at one point or another)
Accompanied by some photos of mine which I hope will make you feel happy about life

It's January and January makes you think and reflect.
In 2015, for me, the joy was plentiful. And yet, I spent a lot of it in a state of anxiety and general muddledness. This would appear to be the normal thing in this day and age, and how mad is that?

Here is a donkey, being silly

I'll keep it short, but think on this:

You were born into this life full of beautiful individual traits and plenty of imperfections. Absolutely everyone was. You'll find good and bad and dumb and genius things in everyone.
So stop comparing and measuring and feeling not good enough.

Here is a cat, being cosy

We are all the same in that we are glorious miracles.
We are all the same in that we are all eejits.
Everybody has brilliant ideas in the shower.
Everybody trips over their words and thinks about it for hours.
Everyone farts.
Everyone has beautiful eyes (c'mon, eyes are gorgeous and interesting)
Everyone can create beautiful things (art or babies or cake or words)

Here are two pups, being friends

So, no matter what you're at- if you're browsing blogs after a long day of building orphanages, or if you're in your pajamas all day, drinking tea and moping- you are enough. You're doing grand. It'll be grand.
We're all grand.

And waffles are delicious

Friday, 30 October 2015

Hallowe'en Tag!

Well, I've been tagged again, by my blogging buddy, MissLauranne. So here we are, on Hallowe'en Eve, having Hallowe'en thoughts and typing Hallowe'en things.
I'll get on with it.

1. What is your favorite Halloween movie?

Considering everything freaks me out and I don't like to be scared, it's surprising I like Hallowe'en at all. And I'm going to wuss out and tell you that my favourite thing to watch at this time of year are the cartoon's Hallowe'en specials. I love those. Like, Bob's Burgers, Adventure Time, Hey Arnold... They're the best! And when movies get in on the action? My day is made! Toy Story and Shrek shorts, a cup of blackcurrant tea, and it's a happy Halloween night.

2. 1-10, how much do you enjoy Halloween?

I like it a whole NINE! But sometimes it's gruesome and gory and then I hate it.

3. What is your fondest Halloween memory?

I loved the first year I started going out with my fiancé, because we dressed up a little (face paint and the like), brought my little brother and his buddies trick or treating, and then we went into town and went for drinks! (Featuring my worst Halloween costume ever- a black dress and a white face; I went as 'Hallowe'en'... *rolls eyes*)


4. Have you always been a Halloween lover?

Definitely! My Mom used to make all my costumes, and there were some gems! I was Esmerelda, a Vampire Queen, Pocahontas... She used to knit me wigs and cut up her old clothes to fit me. On the other hand, my little brother Jake used to hate dressing up, and he just wore a bin bag every year. One year he was a black pumpkin. Another year he was a clown. He wore a bin bag again. Classic.


5. How do you get into the Halloween spirit?

It's great being a preschool teacher, the kids will get into the spirit of just about anything. I bring in a hand puppet of Frankenstein's monster, called Frankie, and he comes to talk to the kids every day at storytime. That really gets me in the spirit! That and our Hallowe'en party, where I get to dress up! I usually pick something different for the school Hallowe'en party and for going out on Hallowe'en night, for obvious enough reasons. This year I made myself a half-arsed Captain America costume!


6. Favourite Halloween decorations?

I love pumpkins! And my favourite favourite thing is post-Hallowe'en Pumpkin Dumping! It's a tradition me and Steve made up. One year I was sad at the thought of throwing away our pumpkin cos he had a face. I was genuinely sad! I form attachments with inannimate objects on a daily basis, it's a condition.
Anyway, we decided to carry the pumpkin out into the woods and leave him sitting happily on a tree stump. In my mind, he became a temporary home for a family of mice. And then a feast for a bunch of hungry robins. Yes, in my mind, the world is a Disney film.


7. Favorite halloween/fall scent?

Gotta love the smell of rotting pumpkins! I kid.
I dunno, maybe blackcurrant tea? I tend to drink that a lot around this time of year. I have to agree with Laura, who loves the smoky outdoorsy smell of wet leaves and people's fires in the air too.


8. Favorite candy?

Chocolate, most certainly. All those lovely mini versions of everything that came home in your trick or treat bag! They were all the sweeter, for having gotten them from strangers (wow, that's the worst thing to say to children, never repeat that)


9. Vampires or zombies?

The world seems obsessed with zombies, in particular the zombie apocalypse. Forget that! I watched What Happens in the Shadows last night, a brilliant vampire mocumentary, so I'm going to go for vampires on this one.


10. What is your weird/odd fear?

I'm afraid of everything. Is that weird?


11. Last but not least, do you believe in ghosts?

I do indeed! But I don't believe in the spooky kind that do mean things. I believe in the sort that give you little messages from the other side, help you find a parking space, that sorta thing. The friendly fellahs.

That was really fun! I didn't realise I had so many Hallowe'en opinions! I tag Leighanne again, cos I don't really know any other bloggers as of yet. There we are now. I'm off to finish my DIY costume for this year... If it goes well I'll stick it up here! Till next time, absolutely nobody.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

What's in that bag o' yours?

There are two reasons I'm writing this post-
1. Felt like writing
2. I was inspired by MissLauranne, who is doing Blogtober (which sounds great- like some sort of vegetable), and who is also writing a similar post, and I'm basically just outright copying her. Go look at ~hers~, it's sure to be way more well written and interesting!

So as not to be putting on any airs and graces (imagine!) I'm just going to pull things out and discuss them, no editing or hiding embarrassing things. So bear with me.

Let's start with the bag itself - a Penney's purchase (like 90% of my wardrobe). The strap annoys me, and the other straps were too short, so I strapped an extra strap to it, and now it has four straps, all of which flail around in the breeze as I walk through town. I have not yet corrected this, nor will I ever, if my past laziness is anything to go by.

Now, inside!

Books, books, assorted books

The first is a lovely treat for your brain- Sane New World, by Ruby Wax. I was never a great fan of her stand up, but since she got a degree in neuroscience and studied mindfulness, I found myself far more interested in what she had to say. And she is actually a very funny lady.

The next is a crossword puzzle book I bought in a pound shop a couple of weeks ago. I bought it to try and occupy my fingers and my brain in moments of boredom, instead of simply turning to my phone to do quizzes on Buzzfeed (I calculated it, and I have wasted 28 years of my life doing just that). The book is actually great, and I have completed the first 7 puzzles! Yay me!

This little notebook, which is full of crap. I picked it up on sale in Tesco because it's beautiful. It contains such pearls of wisdom as "Don't forget to write that letter" (to whom???) and "remember to pay back Dad for the shark teeth" (what a dumb purchase. But how could I say no to genuine shark teeth from a vending machine?)

My Purse
I bought this purse specifically because it has loads of room for cards.

My favourites are:
- a beautiful library card from the most wonderful library I've ever been to (I lied and said I live in the area to get an account. JOKES ON YOU SUCKERS)
- My ID card from the Letter Writers Alliance
- My buddy, MissLauranne's business card
- My bank card, cos money (not pictured for extremely obvious reasons)

You can count on me to have food in my bag. It may not be edible, but it's certainly there.
Today I have
- a bottle of water (half full)
- a bar of Dairy Milk (not eaten), given to me by my other buddy, Leigh, when I was feeling under the weather. Thanks Leigh! Saving this for... A more chocolatey time..?
-  a Tango apple bar??? This is seriously the first time I'm seeing this. Who put this here? I hate these. Was it one of you kids at work? Probably. They often deposit 'gifts' in my handbag. Before you get excited, they're usually used tissues.
- a liquid iron supplement, for energy. I forgot that was there.

A Jumble of Nonsense
- A pen in the shape of a lady. I bought this in Tiger, the best shop ever.
- An ipod-and-wires case in the shape of a peanut butter and jam sandwich. Of course.
- A pencil case in the shape of a carrot. I really like things in the shape of things.
- A (clean) pair of socks. I remember putting these in here weeks ago as I went for a muddy walk in the woods, thinking I'd need them. I didn't and I still don't.
- A spoon. I don't know.
- A rock from the beach where my boyfriend proposed. No, not boyfriend, fiancé. (It's just too fancy a word for me)

Beauty Things
- A lip balm (the best I've ever tried, and I'm always trying them)
- A pink lipstick. I like to mix them both together!
- A mirror my Mom bought me
- A myriad of hairclips, both broken and otherwise.
I thought there would be more of this king of thing, that's why I gave it its own section. Ah well, moving swiftly on.

And finally, Little Mikey. There is no reason for me to carry this guy around, other than he is lovely and it makes me smile every time I look into my bag for something.

So there we are. Less like a peek into my bag and more like a rummage around the deep recesses of my brain. What did we learn about my pysche? That I'm a bit of a hoarder with food issues? That I will definitely buy a thing if it's shaped like another thing? That I still carry a teddy even though I'm 25? I've definitely learned I need to carry less. I mean, 3% of this stuff is useful.
Even the cat's looking at me like "What the hell Rebecca"

This was a great idea. I now feel like a crazy lady. Look at the contents of my bag! I'm like a child who was given money and told to fill a bag with nonsense!
Ah well.

Works for me, I guess?


Monday, 19 October 2015

How to be an Indoors Kind of a Person

Welcome, one and all, to a tutorial you do not need.
If you are the sort of person who sits at home reading the blog of a young Irishwoman, then you do not need tips and reasons to stay indoors.
You are here for reassurance, and that I can offer plenty of. I can also recommend nice things to do.

Part One: So You're Looking For an Excuse
Isn't it the worst when you have friends and they want to do things with you?
Fret not, these foolproof excuses will work on even the most desperate and pathetic friend, dying for your love and attention:
- "I can't."
- "Sorry, no."
- "Not tonight."
Because you do not need an excuse to stay indoors. That is the real lesson. Pysch!

Part Two: How to Settle On Down
As if you're not already an expert. But lets indulge ourselves.
The very best way to spend a loooooong evening to yourself, in your home, is to earn it. You must do something very taxing, so that you may think "I need to treat myself to two hours of reading old magazines". These things include
- Going into town to buy bread
- Posting a letter
- Making food of any description (this includes eating something from the packet)
- Almost bumping into someone you know
- Rearranging your candles
Now that you have earned this time, for the love of god enjoy it.

Part Three: Your Toolkit
This is a very simple and pleasant activity- assembling a toolkit. It can even include arranging things nicely, if you're so inclined!
Must haves include
- Deliciously soft (new??!) pajama pants
- An obscenely large and cosy jumper (better if it's borrowed from someone you love. Or someone you hate, because then you can laugh and think "Fuck you, I've got your jumper")
- Heartbreakingly fluffy socks
- A beautiful blanket of your choosing
- A pet (but not a fish. And if you must choose a cat, make sure it loves you. Seriously, make sure)
- A never-ending supply of your favourite hot drink (why am I pretending this should be anything but tea?)
- Snacks. Oh the snacks.

Part Four: Living Your Best Life
  • Make yourself inexcusably comfortable, propped up on your couch with Netflix ready to go and everything within reaching distance.
  • Paint a tiny watercolour portrait of your cat while watching Downton Abbey.
  • Decide what colour you're going to paint your nails just as soon as you have enough money to go into town.
  • Start collecting Pins for your Board entitled Break-Up Haircuts (even though you're not even in a relationship)
  • Ignore the phone as your boss calls you, wondering where the flaming fuck you are.
  • Assemble a sandwich of erotic proportions involving every meat in the fridge.
  • Every now and then, allow your gaze to drift to the window. Think "It's nice out. I might go for a walk." Do this after one week. You are indoors now. Embrace it.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Sweater Weather

Despite the fact that 'sweater' is a very American word, and not half as lovely as our Irish 'jumper' (why 'jumper'? Are we to be jumping for joy that it's time to put them on? Yes), I am very happy to be tagged by MissLauranne in the Sweater Weather Tag!

Enough babbling, time to answer these questions (probably in a babbly manner, to be fair)

1. Favorite candle scent?
There are a whole bunch of candles lit around my flat right now, and they are all citronella. How very unseasonal of me. I do apologise.

2. Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate?
I spend most of my free time drinking tea, and yet for this one I'm going to say hot chocolate. I love when the different seasonal flavours come in to the coffee shops. My favourites are honey hot chocolate and black forest gateaux because COME ON.

3. What’s the best Autumn memory you have?
Definitely Autumn of 2012. I had just started my job as a pre-school teacher, and any teacher will tell you that Autumn is chock-full of learning opportunities. It was only since starting my job that I noticed the absolute magic of Autumn. The kids in my class made it easy for me to spend a full month talking about the fascinating subject that are snails. (They start hibernation in Autumn, so we go on nature walks looking for them, singing about them and making crafts. Riveting, right??)
4. Dark lips or Winged eyeliner?
On a night out, both! But I'm lazy with make-up and winged eyeliner (although one of my favourite make-up things) takes effort. So dark lips. Properly dark, like a deep purpley-brown. Reminds me of my mom getting ready to go out when I was younger. She was all big hair and dark lips and now so am I.

5. Best Fragrance for fall?
Oh jeepers, I don't know! I don't change perfumes, I just use whatever people have cast-off in my direction. Right now it's a mix of 'Sunflowers' by Elizabeth Arden and some cheapo off-brand one. I want to say an alluring mix....? But I doubt that very much. 
6. Favorite Thanksgiving food?
Well I'm Irish and I don't have Thanksgiving, but when I am eating sandwiches, that's when I feel the most thankful. So, sandwiches.

7. What is autumn weather like where you are?
It's amazingly good for this country and time of year. We've been having an extended Indian Summer. Which makes the drive to work every morning quite spectacular, with the pinky-orangey sunrises, and also allows for impromptu trips to the coast after dinner!

8. Most worn sweater?
Actually, it's probably a chunky knit grey one that I threw in the 'donation' pile about an hour ago. It's still in good nick, but I put it on the other day and noticed for the first time that it gave me really weird shaped hips. So, that's disappointing.

9. Must have nail polish this Fall?
I found a dark red matte nail polish in Superdrug and it's pretty perfect.

10. Football games or jumping in leaf piles?
Oh man I wish I could go to one American football college/high school game, sit in the bleachers, drink spiced cider and pretend to care about sports. But I'll settle for jumping in leaves with the kids at work. 

11. Skinny jeans or Leggings?
Haven't worn leggings since I was 5 and they were my outfit staple. They're pretty cool, but not my thang. My thang is saying the word thang and wearing skinny jeans.

12. Combat boots or uggs?
Combat boots all the time because Uggs make me sad for the human race.

13. Is pumpkin spice worth the hype?
Nothing could be worth that hype. I've only ever had a sip of my fiance's pumpkin latte, and neither of us were very impressed. My honey hot chocolate on the other hand...! Eh? Eh?

14. Favorite Fall Tv Show?
I'm 10 years behind the rest of the world and I'm watching Downton Abbey and Mad Men. But there's something supremely Autumn-y about the Great British Bake Off. When it's on, me and my mom take turns baking and I go out to my family house once a week and we stuff our faces and our minds with cake. It's a good time.

15. What song really gets you into the Fall spirit?
There's no particular song that I hear and think "Autumn is here!"
... No, hang on now, there is. The snail song. I toyed with the idea of writing the lyrics out here, but the thing is, you sing the words "I'm a snail" eight times, I reckon you can do without them.

There you have it now.
I shall tag my good buddy Leighanne and... eh.... I don't know any other bloggers.