Wednesday, 6 January 2016

A Pep Talk, For When You Need One

A Pep-Talk, for when you need one (because everyone does, at one point or another)
Accompanied by some photos of mine which I hope will make you feel happy about life

It's January and January makes you think and reflect.
In 2015, for me, the joy was plentiful. And yet, I spent a lot of it in a state of anxiety and general muddledness. This would appear to be the normal thing in this day and age, and how mad is that?

Here is a donkey, being silly

I'll keep it short, but think on this:

You were born into this life full of beautiful individual traits and plenty of imperfections. Absolutely everyone was. You'll find good and bad and dumb and genius things in everyone.
So stop comparing and measuring and feeling not good enough.

Here is a cat, being cosy

We are all the same in that we are glorious miracles.
We are all the same in that we are all eejits.
Everybody has brilliant ideas in the shower.
Everybody trips over their words and thinks about it for hours.
Everyone farts.
Everyone has beautiful eyes (c'mon, eyes are gorgeous and interesting)
Everyone can create beautiful things (art or babies or cake or words)

Here are two pups, being friends

So, no matter what you're at- if you're browsing blogs after a long day of building orphanages, or if you're in your pajamas all day, drinking tea and moping- you are enough. You're doing grand. It'll be grand.
We're all grand.

And waffles are delicious